Goodluck to the Wisconsin Team at Nationals!
Players from all over Wisconsin are joining forces to compete for the North American Cup this weekend. This event takes at the $25,000 Nationals tournament, which takes place in Denver, Colorado from June 23-27. Here are some details about the event:
• Multiple teams allowed per State.
• All members of the team must be a currant resident of that state.
• Each team made up of a minimum of 7 players: 1 Master, 1 Pro, 1 Woman (of any rank), 2 Experts, 2 Amateur.
• Allowed 3 Alternates: 1 woman, 1 Expert, 1 Amateur.
• Each team must designate a captain from the players.
• Each team may have a coach to help the captain with paperwork, lineup and organization of players.
• The coach may be a player, an alternate or an additional person on the team.
• Captain is responsible for all requirements, including if no coach is assigned.
• Each team turns in a lineup prior to each round of the event, including the shootout player for tied matches.
• Each round is 8 matches: Open Doubles, Open Mixed Doubles, Women’s Singles, Pro Singles, Expert Doubles, Expert Singles, Amateur Doubles & Amateur Singles
• Players may play in a match higher than their rank but not below.
• If a team does not have enough players to participate in all 8 matches, they will forfeit that match.
• Matches may have players of any gender, excluding Women’s Singles and Open Mixed Doubles requirements.
• A player may be substituted for an alternate of equal or lower rank during any legal stopping of play but that player may not return for the remainder of that round.
• The substituting play will take that players place in all other matches in the lineup, including the shootout.
• If the round ends in a tie, a shootout takes place immediately to determine the winner.
• Shootout tie: A coin flip occurs if teams do not agree upon the designated tables to play. Winner of the flip chooses table, loser chooses sides. The winner of the second flip chooses to shoot or defend first and that order will continue until a winner is decided. If the table of the shootout is agreed upon, then the winner of the flip
chooses the side of the table or to shoot or defend first and the loser picks the remaining option.
• If tied at the end of a first round shootout, then a second round takes place in the same order. The first team to score a point and successfully block the opponent wins.
Good luck everyone!